At the same time, object is an equally powerful abstraction that allows software developers to develop all kinds of nifty things in a distributed system.
Also, remote procedure call (RPC) is a very powerful abstraction allowing developers to define all kinds of contracts across the system boundaries.
All these abstractions, as powerful as they are, have proven inadequate in the world of web development. The biggest problem right now is that most web developers seem to be barking up the wrong tree by relying on another strong abstraction -- service. This reliance led to the very popular Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) on the web, which, being inadequate, is slowing web development down and thus incurring a lot of unwanted delays and damages.
What is a Service?
As the name itself implies, a service is basically a rendered capability. This concept actually comes from the world of objects. Objects are often in the world of software referred to as 'bundles of capabilities'. When we set the environment in such a way that a contract could be made between the provider of the service (i.e. an object) and a consumer (i.e. a client), we arrive at the service-oriented architecture.A service, being a general purpose abstraction, can be anything. Thus, services are extremely diverse, and that creates a huge problem. Any consumer-to-be must keep an inventory of the available services of interest that are on the web. Not only that, but because each service comes with its own arbitrary protocol, the consumer-wannabe must also make sure that the inventory of corresponding protocols is kept up to date.
This places enormous pressure on the consumers. How are they to keep up with the incredibly rich and diverse world of web-based services? It simply isn't possible. Certain systems have been proposed in the past to allow interested parties to discover the availability of the web services and to then engage in learning the ins and outs of the particular service's protocol. But we haven't seen a truly workable solution to that problem. My hunch is that we never will.
The Web is All About Conversation
The nature of the web, as a medium and as an enabling technological platform, is conversational. The web is abuzz with incessant streams of conversations going on around the world. Some private, some public.Because of that, the web is built on the premise that there always will be plenty of third parties who will be interested in joining the conversation. A classic example -- a group of friends interested in playing tennis may strike a conversation about who, when and where. At the same time, there could be a facilities provider who may be interested in joining the conversation by offering a nice court with all amenities for a very reasonable fee. It's a win-win situation.
But how is the third party (i.e. the tennis court provider) to join in on the conversation?
The Web is All About Relinquishing Control
In the non-web world, where control is the highest order of the day, such 'joining in on a conversation' could typically not happen in a haphazard way. A specialized protocol would have to be developed and all the interested parties would have to be notified beforehand. But often just being notified isn't sufficient. Sometimes the notified parties who would want to join in on the conversation tend to learn that, in order to join, they first need to enroll in some sort of an educational course. High barriers to entry etc. There would therefore be very little possibility for someone to just jump in the middle of a fairly advanced conversation.And yet that's exactly what the web is all about. The web as a medium is extremely (some even say radically) open, extremely trusting. It places almost no restrictions on who joins in. Not only that, but it also places almost no restrictions on when does the third party join in. So, usually on the web, there's no need to take a university course before we can participate in the conversation.
This is possible because no one owns the web, and consequently no one can control it. The web is everyone's property, and everyone is welcome to join in. It's the world of sharing. The need for control has been relinquished, and it is left to the participants to sort their discrepancies out. The web as a medium and as a technology is not going to offer any assistance in that regard.
Back to the Resources
Because of the uniqueness of the web as a medium, the only abstraction that does it true justice is resource. The web is a collection of resources. These resources are astronomically diverse, and it would be mathematically impossible to maintain any semblance of a reasonable inventory of web resources.This reality then forces us to give up on trying to control and maintain the inventory. And instead, we turn our attention to the web protocol.
Each resource on the web, no matter how unique and complicated it may be, obeys only one protocol. This protocol has three major aspects to it. In no particular order, these aspect are:
- Each resource knows how to represent itself to the consumer
- Each resource knows how to make a transition from one state to another state
- Each resource knows how to self-destruct
All in all, four very simple aspects of a single protocol. And using these four aspects, it is possible to accomplish absolutely anything on the web.
How Does the Web Protocol Work?
If there is a resource out on the web, such as a tennis court, that resource could be identified. Once identified, that resource could be located on the web (using its corresponding URI). Once located, a request, obeying one of the three aspects outlined above, could be sent to the resource.Typically, a client would initially want the resource (i.e. a tennis court) to respond to the request by shipping its representation. In reality, no one knows where the actual resource sits, nor how is its state implemented. And that's a good thing -- one less thing to worry about, one less decision to make.
The resource decides how to represent itself (based on some sort of business logic, of which we as clients know nothing, and frankly don't want to know). Its representation travels to the requesting client, who renders it and then consumes it.
Once the representation of the resource's state has been consumed, the requesting client may make a decision to modify that state. For example, if the state of the identified tennis court is that it is free on Saturday morning at 10:00 am, the client may decide to change that state to booked. The client sends another request to the resource, this time using a different aspect of the protocol (basically, using the aspect number 2). The resource handles this request, and, obeying its business logic, makes the transition from its original state (free) to its new state (booked).
Keep in mind that in this scenario the client didn't have to know in advance that the resource is endowed with the capability to be in the free or in the booked state. The client merely engaged the resource in the conversation, and upon receiving the representation of the resource, realized that the resource's state could be changed. That realization prompted the client to try and request the resource state transition.
And if the resource didn't find any objection to that request (for example, if the client's request was deemed as authoritative enough to request the state transition), the resource would obey and would transition to its new state (i.e. booked).
Representational Logic
It is very important to realize at this point that we are dealing with representational logic only. What does that mean? Well, when dealing with representations, we should not take things too literally.For instance, if an authorized person identifies the tennis court and sends it the request to self-destruct, the resource may obey and destroy itself. But just because we may witness this event take place on the web, doesn't necessarily mean that the resource actually did get obliterated from the system. We have no way of knowing how is the resource implemented, and thus have no way of understanding that resource's true destiny.
It may easily be that, upon receiving a request to destroy itself, the resource merely makes a state transition from "represent yourself to the client's request" to "ignore any requests to represent yourself". But in reality the resource would still be there, with all its remaining state intact.
Next time someone requests a representation of that tennis court, they may get an exception response stating how that tennis court does not exists. However, that may not be entirely true. The resource may actually exist, it's just not to be represented to the clients requesting it.
Procedural to Object-Oriented to Resource-Oriented
It is possible to develop object-oriented software using procedural languages (such as C). But it is very impractical to do so. Still, a fully blown object-oriented system is implemented, under the hood, using lower level procedural constructs.In a similar fashion, we are about to make a transition from object, or service oriented discipline, to resource oriented discipline. But contrary to how some people interpret this transition, it does not imply supplanting object oriented way of doing things. Same as object oriented implies procedural, as its underpinning, resource oriented approach could easily imply the object oriented underpinning.
For example, when a tennis court (a resource we've mentioned above) receives a request to make a state transition, the logic governing that transition may be implemented using a full fledged object oriented system. But the clients making that request absolutely need not know that. Resource oriented systems expect the clients to only know a simple four-pronged protocol.

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