And that's always been the downfall in any venture. So it is with rediscovering the world of resources. When I say 'rediscovering', I'm trying to remind the reader that resources have been built into the web from the day one. But somehow, we chose not to notice them. Instead, we chose to focus on remote procedure calls (i.e. the services).
The Follies of Impatience
Humans like to complicate things. Here we have a very robust and simple situation -- an ever growing collection of resources which could be accessed via three simple commands: represent yourself, modify yourself, destroy yourself. But in our blind impatience we've jumped at the conclusion that things are just too simple and that we need a much more complicated protocol in order to make things work. We rushed to invent the dreaded web services.This impatient over-engineering is so foolish, that one is at a loss when trying to find an equivalent folly in other engineering fields. The closest one I could come up is with the system of traffic lights.
Today, we have this traffic regulation system that consist of the protocol based on the state of the physical semaphores out in the streets. At any point in time, each semaphore could assume one of the three possible states: it could turn turn green, which means 'go', it could turn yellow, which means 'get ready to stop' or it could turn red, which means 'stop' .
That's all there is to it. Very simple very elegant, and serves its purpose perfectly -- to regulate otherwise astronomically complex traffic patterns.
Now imagine if we've given in to the engineering follies of impatience, and let civic engineers take over the asylum and go nuts with their 'solutions'. We'd be then quite easily looking at 64 different colors that a traffic semaphore could take. Mauve would possibly mean 'go, but be forewarned that there's construction ahead', blue would mean 'speed limit around the corner', purple would mean 'food and lodging ahead', brown would mean 'traffic congestion after the next intersection', and so on. The possibilities are endless.
Would that be an improvement? Quite the contrary, it would be a veritable disaster. Not only would the chances of drivers getting totally confused be blown out of all proportions, but we'd probably witness the 'vendor wars' all over again. Different municipalities would strive to come up with their own version of comprehensive traffic regulating color scheme. Drivers would have to learn and memorize numerous color patterns, and to be additionally very aware when they have crossed the boundaries from one jurisdiction to another jurisdiction.
All in all an incredible mess which thankfully got avoided by patiently sticking to the dull but extremely reliable protocol of only three traffic lights.
Same as reducing the number of decisions when driving leads to the more reliable public traffic, reducing the number of decisions when traveling the web leads to the more reliable web software. On the web, all we need to know is that a resource is identifiable and locatable, and that it can represent itself to us, and can respond to our requests to change its state or to destroy itself. And if we keep these radically simple things in mind when developing web software, we'll realize that we can do absolutely anything on the web.
Not only that, but by observing these five simple rules (identify the resource, locate it, ask it to represent itself, ask it to make a state transition, ask it to destroy itself), we open up the world of endless possibilities for other interested parties to join in on the conversation and to ameliorate and augment our business. All that without expecting anyone to learn anything in particular.
This is the world of true democracy, where everyone is welcome and everyone is qualified and is free to feel adequate to contribute their own value.
Contrast that with the world of web services where each and every business is free to invent its own system of 'traffic lights' and then insist that anyone driving through their territory learns their convoluted system and obeys it. It is painfully obvious how web services had regressed us and damaged our credibility big time. It'll take many years before the damage can get undone. In the meantime, we'd do well to really learn how to walk properly on the web, before we try to run and again fall flat on our faces.
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