Someone who very appropriately claims that adding simplicity is an engineering mantra, wrote about the Promise of SOA, REST, and ROA. Here, we will only focus on his view of ROA:
ROA is an intriguing proposition. Applications are freed from worrying about services at all. A resource, which is effectively an entity, exposes the state transitions it is willing to accept. Applications don't even care what the resource is, they simply decide whether they are interested in the state transitions available. The level of omniscient inference with this approach is difficult to even explain. So, if the resource is a tennis court and the state transition is reserve (is that a state change or operation?) an application can decide, without caring about the resource per se, that it wants to reserve it. Of course if this is a seat at a concert you may be committing to a financial transaction. At the very least, the state may change back without the applications knowledge (except it's omniscient so that isn't possible).Let's pick this apart, to see if we could identify sources of confusion.
Applications and Services
The post quoted above states that: "Applications are freed from worrying about services at all." First off, it is important to understand that ROA is not about applications. This was hinted at in my post on the golden age of software applications.ROA is, as its name implies, all about resources. Some people claim that it's basically the same as being all about services, but I strongly disagree.
Resources and Entities
He continues: "A resource, which is effectively an entity..." Maybe I should let this slide, but let me just point out that a resource is effectively a resource. No need to drag entity into the picture.Acceptable State Transitions
Moving along: "[Resource] exposes the state transitions it is willing to accept."This is absolutely incorrect. Resource only exposes its representation, not the state transitions it is willing to accept.
Applications and the Attempts to Simplify Reality
"Applications don't even care what the resource is, they simply decide whether they are interested in the state transitions available."He is again talking about applications. And by 'applications' I suspect he means blobs of pre-compiled code.
Again, this is the old, vendor-dictated school. ROA, on the other hand, is the new, vendor-averse school.
Unlike the vendor-giddy applications, ROA does not waste time in the vain attempts to simplify reality. ROA recognizes and realizes that reality is unthinkably complex. And so ROA lives with it, is based on it, grows from it.
So ROA is not interested in any intricacies of the state transitions that are specific to any of the involved resources. The reason for this is that it would be absolutely impossible to be interested in such things, given their astronomical complexity and volatility.
ROA therefore throws the towel in at the very outset. It is non-competitive by nature.
Not Knowing is the Most Intimate
The author goes on: "The level of omniscient inference with this approach is difficult to even explain."There is a famous Zen koan in which a Zen Master asks a question, and his student responds: "I don't know, Master".
"Not knowing is the most intimate!" replies the Master.
What is a State Transition?
Seems like traditional software developers are clueless when it comes to grasping the state transition model in ROA. For example, the author of the above post continues:"So, if the resource is a tennis court and the state transition is reserve (is that a state change or operation?) an application can decide, without caring about the resource per se, that it wants to reserve it. "
There is no such thing as a state transition called 'reserve'. In Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), yes, one can envision such state transition. But never in ROA.
Furthermore, here is that pesky application again. Who is this application, on behalf of which vendor is it entering the picture, and how is it deciding what to do?
The State Changes
Finally, there is (at last!) one thing that both the old school and the new school of software development agrees upon: the state may change! Hallelujah!"At the very least, the state may change back without the applications knowledge (except it's omniscient so that isn't possible)."
The above sentence actually doesn't make any sense. Who is omniscient? The application? Who made this application?
The whole point is that, when talking about resources, the old school developers are actually not talking about resources (the above quoted article illustrates this rather poignantly). Then they wonder out loud how come they don't get ROA?
All that the old school developers seem capable of thinking is applications. This belies their state of being brainwashed by the tool vendors.
I am fairly positive at this point that unless software developers manage to deprogram their brains and escape the tool vendors' programming (i.e. brainwashing), they will remain completely lost for the world of Resource Oriented Architecture.
Just as well.
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